Click here: a FREE guide with 6 reasons your English is not improving and what to do about it!

Neurolanguage Coaching®

Improve you English through Neurolanguage Coaching® and get faster and more sustainable results to speak English confidently.

What is Neurolanguage Coaching®?

Neurolanguage Coaching® is a holistic and comprehensive process by which the elements of coaching, science, and neuroscience are combined to create a learning environment where the brain is constantly stimulated and in an optimal state of learning, which potentially allows coachees (learners) to achieve effective and long-lasting results.

Both the coach and coachee work together to set and achieve the coachee’s English learning goals in a brain-friendly process facilitated by the coach. 

Traditional Teaching vs Neurolanguage Coaching®

Traditional Teaching

> Coachee (student) takes on a passive role.

> Generic textbooks are used.

> Priority over the results.

> English is something to be studied.

> Mistakes must be corrected.

> Focus on the language.

> Teacher is the authority.

> No emphasis on motivation, commitment, or goals (usually set by the teacher).

Neurolanguage Coaching®

> Coachee (student) takes on an active role.

> Materials are based on interests and relevance.

> Priority over the process.

> English is something to be used and enjoyed.

> Mistakes are used as a learning opportunity.

> Focus on the coachee and their needs around the language.
> Coach and coachee are equal.

> Emphasis on motivation, commitment, and goals (always set by the coachee).

How can Neurolanguage Coaching® help you?

Unlike traditional teaching, Neurolanguage Coaching® places the coachee in the center of the learning process, so there are numerous benefits to using this approach. Here's a list of the 10 most common benefits:

1. You're more likely to stay motivated throughout the learning process. Neurolanguage Coaching® will help you explore the reason you want to learn English, and it will provide you with new ideas and tools to make your learning more engaging and interesting.

2. You'll get a structure and clear action plan to follow. In a traditional learning environment, you have to follow the topics presented in a textbook. But Neurolanguage Coaching® considers your goals and needs, and it offers you a specific action plan to achieve your goals. Likewise, all materials are tailored to the coachee's interests.

3. You have complete control over the entire learning process. Neuroscience has shown that the more we are involved in something, the more effective the results will be. In Neurolanguage Coaching®, you'll have complete autonomy and authority to choose what you want to focus on and what your preferred learning style is.

4. Neurolanguage Coaching® focuses on your unique needs and specific goals as an English learner. Unlike traditional teaching methods, the focus is on the coachee. Once you have identified your needs and goals, the coach will guide you through the process in order to achieve effective results.

5. Neurolanguage Coaching® allows to immediately implement what you learn. After every session, you will have consolidation exercises that will allow you to put into practice the new content you've learned. You'll have time work on your own and consolidate your learning a little every day.

6. Neurolanguage Coaching® is not just about learning English, but also about your relationship with English. Oftentimes, coachees have limiting beliefs around English. They get stuck while speaking, they talk themselves down because the believe they're not cut out for languages, they don't speak because they beleive their accent is a problem, etc. These are all defense mechanisms that coaching can help you overcome.

7. You'll learn to think critically and reflect on the techniques that work for you. Not everyone is the same, therefore, not everyone has the same learning style. For example, some people are auditory learners, and others are visual learners. Neurolanguage Coaching® will help you figure out what works best for you.

8. You'll learn how to learn. Unlike traditional English teaching courses, where teachers take on an authoritative role and limit themselves to explaining the language, Neurolanguage Coaching®  allows you to explore English through impactful conversations and discussions which help you learn the language from a new perspective.

9. Neurolanguage Coaching® offers you constant feedback and acknowledgment. You'll get ongoing and immediate feedback from your coach, and you'll also receive acknowledgement on your progress and the areas you still need to improve. This will allow you to be aware of what you need to do to achieve your goals.

10. Neurolanguage Coaching® is a cost-effective investment in yourself and your English. Not many people are familiar with Neurolanguage Coaching®, so they believe it's the same as private tutoring. The difference, however, is the effectiveness of this approach. Neurolanguage Coaching® allows you to achieve results it would take you twice as long to achieve with traditional teaching methods. In other words, the high investment is worth it because you'll spend less money in the long run.

If this sounds like something you'd like to experience, then keep on reading to find out about my personalized Neurolanguage Coaching® program.

Neurolanguage Coaching® Program

If you’re ready to make significant progress and improve your English to go after your dreams and new opportunities, if you have studied English for years but still can’t speak confidently or need help creating a study routine that works for you, then a Neurolanguage Coaching® program is what you need. You'll get tailored lessons, detailed feedback and constant accountability from a certified Neurolanguage Coach®. The coaching program is personalized and offered in increments of 10, 15 or 20 sessions.

What's included?

> 1 Initial 40-minute Free Discovery Call via Zoom
> 60-minute Personalized Coaching Sessions

Note: The free discovery call is an opportunity to talk and get to know each other. You will be able to ask me questions about Neurolanguage Coaching® and I will explain how the coaching process works. We will also define how we can best help you learn English based on your unique needs as an English learner.

After the call, you're free to decide whether you want to purchase a coaching program or not.

The Coaching Program Includes The Following:

  • 60-minute sessions. The coaching program is offered in increments of 10, 15 or 20 sessions. And all paid sessions are valid over a 12-month period.
  • Habit creation techniques to help you practice English on a daily basis.
  • Help identifying your motivation for learning English.
  •  Help setting and reaching goals (Mechanical Goals & Mastery Goals).
  •  Learning roadmap and action plan based on your needs.
  • Accountability to stay committed to the process.
  • Mindset work to speak English with more freedom and confidence.
  • Pronunciation Training.
  • Lifetime access to Google Drive and Google Classroom where all materials, such as consolidation exercises, feedback, and session notes are kept.

Ready To Work With Me?

Does this sound like you?

> Do you feel like you’ve been learning English for a long time but haven’t made much progress?

> Are you frustrated with traditional English courses?

> Do you get stuck when you need to use spoken English?

> Do you find it difficult to express yourself and your ideas in English and have little to no idea how to improve?

> Have you missed job opportunities because your English isn't where it should be?

How about feeling like this instead?

> You're comfortable and confident in your English abilities and interact with other people freely.

> You can speak the language clearly and confidently in daily situations.

> You have the skills and confidence to advance in your career because English is no longer an obstacle.

> No more anxiety or frustration over speaking the language. You'll be in control.

> New doors open for you because you speak English fluently.

Ready to transform your English?
Then schedule your Free Discovery Call to get started on your English learning journey!


This is a great question. Yes, I am. I am certified by Efficient Language Coaching and accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

You can have a look at my profile on the Neurolanguage Coach Network.

Not, they are not the same.

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a form of psychotherapy that helps people change their thought and behavior patterns to achieve a specific goal.

Neurolanguage Coaching®, on the other hand, is a method that combines elements of coaching, science, and neuroscience to help language learners learn a language effectively and autonomously.

There are plenty of reasons Neurolanguage Coaching® is different. Here are a few:

✓ It's a more efficient and effective method that promotes learner autonomy.
✓ We don’t follow books. We follow and adapt to each learner.
✓ Clients discover their own way of learning.
✓ The process generates full autonomy and empowerment.
✓ We provide certainty throughout the entire learning process.
✓ We take elements from neuroscience to create a brain-friendly learning process.
✓ There's an endless increase of self-awareness as a learner.
✓ Equal status between the coach and coachee.
✓ Life-changing learning experience.
✓ Focus on cost-effectiveness.
✓ Potentially faster language learning.
✓ Provoking continuous “aha” moments with the language.
✓ Content and input always dependent on clients' wishes.

To find out more, you can read an in-dept article about Neurolanguage Coaching® here: LinkedIn Article.

Neurolanguage Coaching® is 100% confidential, so to respect the privacy of other students, no video or audio footage is available.

We will work together to design a series of activities you can practice outside our sessions at your own pace. And you will always be free to choose whether to implement them or not.

You might find yourself enjoying some activities, and others not so much, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you.

Coaching sessions take place via Zoom.

I don't work with beginners. My Neurolanguage Coaching® services are targeted to English speakers with an a lower-intermediate level (A2) or higher. Here's a test that you can take to find out your level: Cambrigde English Language Assessment

All payment transactions are made via PayPal for international clients. And bank transfer or Mercado Pago for clients living in Chile.